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AirCentre News - December 1999
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Week One            Y2K - The Countdown Begins

This month starts the "countdown" to the year 2000 and with it the end of perhaps aviation's greatest maintenance "con"

CASA in their wisdom required all operators of commercial aircraft and associated maintenance organisations to sign a "Statement of Accomplishment" assuring safety will not be compromised by computer or equipment date rollover problems

As part of their perceived duty CASA has published on their web pages the companies and organisations who failed to submit a signed statement in the time required which was to ensure that their organisation was "Y2K Compliant"

For educational purposes, the original page is HERE which will open separately - close or minimise to return

  • Any amendments or changes to this page can be accessed via the current web page at CASA

The recording of this page is so that all readers may have a better understanding of the drama that a number of the smaller organisations have had to undergo to maintain their approvals

Including in the page is a list of operators with a number involved in basic small business, including the "grass roots" aviation fraternity of ballooning, gliding, upholstery repairs, ultra-light aircraft manufacturing and engine builders and "one man bands" using computers only for word processing

  • The next thing you know the bureaucracy will be wanting a monthly statement from all operators that their computer equipment has been checked for viruses by a new specialist program available from them only, which, under the current climate, would be worth a "mint" to buy or rent!

In Other News
As mentioned in October the RQAC celebrated its 80th Anniversary on Sunday the 28th of last month with a public "Open Day"

The drawcard for the day was the appearance of an RAAF Roulette member who wheeled his aircraft around the sky in a polished display of PC9 handling capabilities

The local aviators contributed their bit including the "everlasting" Bob Tait in his Pitts Special with his excellent aerobatic airshow routine

Also on display for the first public appearance was the now reassembled Yak3 Russian WW11 fighter previously mentioned in these pages in the Week 4 Issue of the September 1999 News

Please Note:
Readers who registered in late November to have the AirCentre News Flash sent to their e-mail addresses and have not received Issue 5 released with this news page are requested to reapply

There was a "loss of new data" mishap at the news desk late last month caused by a dumb dog (me) taking an afternoon nap on top of the dog-house!

Some call it sleeping on the job!

"Yours truly" deleted a few new mail files in error

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