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AirCentre News - September 1999
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  • Week One
  • Birdsville Week

    The Archerfield CASA staff load up a PA31 Piper prior to departing for a few days camping "holiday" in our far west

    The now very well known and famous "Birdsville Races" are on this coming weekend and the services of a "control tower" are considered necessary by the authorities

    Birdsville is in far western Queensland (about 800nm due west from AF) and is renowned for it's picnic horse racing weekend were as many as 300 light aircraft arrive for the big race with just about everyone camping out at the airstrip with their aircraft

    Birdsville is well located from most of the Australian mainland capital cities (except Perth), and the effort (and cost) required to get there are about the same for most of the persons attending, making it popular for aviators from all parts of OZ to catch up with all that is going on in the world of aviation

    It not the horse racing that is the big attraction, only the excuse to become involved in a big beer drinking event at opening time Saturday outside the only pub in this one hotel town

    The local population - normally about 60 - swells to 3000 for the two days with most of them becoming drunk within a very short space of time after arrival!

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