News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

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 JULY 2006 

 Overseas Airline Accidents in Pakistan & Russia Claim 167 Lives
 Landing Airbus Runs Off Runway - Fokker F-27 Departure Disaster

July 11  2006
Two passenger jets have gone down - a Pakistan International Airlines' Fokker and a Russian operated Airbus A310
All 45 people on board the Fokker F-27 were killed and around 122 persons lost their lives in the landing accident of the Airbus

The Airbus ran off the runway and then into sheds alongside the airport bursting into flames on impact - there were some survivors
The Pakistan Fokker F-27 crashed only 10 minutes after departing the Multan airport en-route for Lahore - media indicate a "Flat Spin" as cause

Media:- AirWise - Fokker - Airbus
CASA Deregisters 500 OZ Aircraft - Several Historical Machines Included in List

 July 11  2006
CASA Logo As mentioned in last week's report where 160 aircraft had their registrations suspended or cancelled by CASA - in the first week of July around 500 machines have had their registration actually cancelled

Included in CASA's list is a Cessna XP Hawk used in the first solo around-the-world flight in 1988 by an Australian as part of the bicentennial celebrations
Also 2 passenger jets of 100 and 40 seat capacity a DC-3 and DHC-6 Twin-Otter and various vintage warbird and home-built machines and the OZ Government owned hot-air balloon

Media:- Details via the CASA Web Site

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