News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

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 Vans RV-4 Home-Built Kit-Aircraft Destroyed - Two Lives Lost

February 23  2007
The crash of a Vans RV-4 home-built kit based aircraft in Victoria's Clyde North area - the training area for light aircraft from Moorabbin airport - has claimed the lives of the two male persons on board

Both men - believed to be in their 20s or 30s - were thrown from the machine when it impacted the ground in a near vertical attitude and burst into flames

A witness reported "The plane was dropping really quickly and wasn't that far away when things started falling off it was totally out of control"

News Desk Comment
Home-built kit based aircraft are popular with flying enthusiasts due to the relativity low purchase price compared with commercially built counterparts - some home-builders construct with the intention to sell on completion ...all at a considerable profit!

Media: NEWS - Previous Report on Home-Built's in 2006 HERE

Glider Pilot Killed in Training Accident at Lake Keepit Airstrip

February 25  2007
At Lake Keepit in NSW a 38 year-old trainee glider pilot lost his life when the aircraft he was in ran off the end of the runway and through a fence decapitating him in the process

The instructor sitting in the rear seat of the tandem-seat glider was uninjured

The glider was under launch with a tug aircraft when difficulties were experienced by the tug - the pilot released the tow-cable allowing the glider to make an emergency landing back onto the airstrip

Both aircraft were operated by the Lake Keepit Soaring Club located 30km north-west of Tamworth

Media: NEWS

Bankstown Training Flight Ends Prematurely with Crash of TB-10 Tobago

February 24  2007
A trainee pilot and his flying instructor were able to walk away from their crashed machine after it developed an engine problem on a flight from Bathurst to Bankstown airport ending up near the Hoxton Park airport

The Bankstown based 4-seat single-engine Aerospatiale TB-10 Tobago operated by the Basair Flying School was extensively damaged after it struck a tree during the ensuring forced landing

Media: ABC and Local TV News

Indonesia's Adam-Air Heavy in HEAVY Landing that Closed the Main Airport

February 22  2007
All 148 passengers on board an Adam Air Boeing aircraft escaped injury after what was a really HARD landing at Indonesia's Juanda Airport

The landing was so heavy it distorted the centre fuselage section leaving the tail drooping towards the tarmac

Media: SMH

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