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Cessna C337 with 4 POB Impacts Sea in Southern Victoria

November 20  2007
Search personnel looking for a Cessna C337 with 4 persons-on-board have located the wreckage of the aircraft in the sea off the Cape Liptrap area that overlooks Bass Strait

The aircraft had left Melbourne's Moorabbin airport on a VFR flight to Merimbula located on the southern coast of NSW

News Desk Comment
Media reports indicate the experienced x-Kiwi ag pilot - Geoff Milne - was tracking costal to avoid the bad weather covering the direct route track from Moorabbin to Merimbula

The twin apparently hit the water at high speed - either in low-level flight (trying to remain visual) or from loss of visual reference

Media - The Age

Professional Pilot Lost in Cessna 172 Accident in Remote North-West of OZ

November 18  2007
A C172 flown by a career pilot was discovered by a local resident on a pastoral station about 130km east of Onslow

“There was no witness to the crash so it's not known whether the crash occurred after take-off or before landing”

Media - NEWS

Having a Bad Day at the Office - Made an Error - Few Thousand Million $'s Worth?

November 17  2007
So you've just found out you made an error that has cost the company you work for a few thousand dollars - bah that's nothing ..just chicken-feed in the eyes of some companies

This week in France around 5 workers were pre-delivering a new A340 Airbus - you know the routine - everything spick and span - no tools left lying around the place and just to double check all is well with the engines how about a final test of the output to make sure all the instruments and gauges are working properly - the paperwork box's can then be ticked

Yeah might have guessed it ...Oops ..the BRAKES!! - WHAM - BAMB ....gee-wizz ....sorry boss...

To see what a FEW MILLION DOLLAR'S ERROR looks like - place mouse over this line and click - ONCE ONLY ..Thanks

If this accident didn't do anything for you then go look at "Entertainment at Expense of Others" report HERE in 2004

Smug pilots and some military type jocks best look at what happens in their office HERE

Media - BBC

Light Aircraft Activity Continues Downward Trend from Peak of 30 Years Ago
 News Desk Research

The Archerfield based Brisbane Flying Group - operator of 3 Grumman Tigers - is so concerned about the declining flying activity of it's members it is considering selling one of their aircraft to help reduce the cost of maintenance hangar-charges and insurance for the 4-seat 180hp singles

Started by a small group of 5 private pilots in the early '70's BFG set the standard when it came to group sharing of costs associated with light aircraft ownership - 33 years later the flying activity of it's members has declined to such a point that one of the 3 Grumman Tiger aircraft may now be sold

2003 Report of the Decline of Light Aircraft Flying at Secondary Airports - "Archerfield Last for Movements" - HERE

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