News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

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 OCTOBER 2007 

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Bribie Island Road used for Emergency Landing of Van's RV7 Home-Built

October 8  2007
The pilot of a single-engine 2-seat Van's RV7 home-built aircraft escaped injury after his machine was involved in an emergency landing at Bribie Island north of Brisbane today

The machine tipped onto it's nose after it ran off the road - it had been used as a make-shift runway - after what appeared to be a fuel related engine failure

Media - Local Brisbane TV News

Parafield Airport Runway Closed after C182 Landing Accident

October 8  2007
Emergency services were call in to South OZ's Parafield airport yesterday after the pilot of a light aircraft had problems with the landing - "We were responding to a report of a light aircraft having difficulty with landing"

The nose-wheel of the Cessna 182 collapsed shortly after the first touchdown closing one of the runways for more than two hours - the pilot was not injured but emergency crews noticed that he was suffering from shock

Media - NEWS

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