News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

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 OCTOBER 2007 

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Wild Storm Wrecks Light Aircraft and Hangars at Gayndah in Central QLD

October 30  2007
Gayndah in cental QLD was struck by a wild storm around 1800hrs Monday with wind gusts of up to 180km/h recorded bringing down trees and severely damaging buildings and overturning aircraft at the local airport

A Cessna 172 was wrecked with the starboard wing and strut turned into scrap metal

A small 2-seat Cessna C150 lost a complete wing and a 6-seat Beech A36 survived with what appears to only minor damage after the hangar it was in collapsed

A Cessna C180 was also involved in a hanger collapse but not quite as lucky - known as the Orange Capital of Queensland - Gayndah also claims to be QLD's oldest town

Media: Local TV News

OLD Pilot Training School Taken-Over by NEW Flying School at Archerfield

October 25  2007
The News Desk has established that one of Archerfield's largest and most 'senior' of flying schools has been purchased by the newest and smallest school on the airport

The Humphrey Maltman owned and operated charter and pilot training school - Flight Training Australia - has been taken-over by the 'new kid on the block' - AV8 Brisbane

Previous Report on the New School HERE

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