News Items of Interest - Light Aircraft Focus - Sourced & Compiled from AirCentre Resources FORWARD

 JULY 2012 

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 JULY 26  2012

 Posted 12:09 PM 26/07/2012 

Red-Bull sponsored 43 year-old Austrian skydiver and adventure seeker - Felix Baumgartner - is on target to break a 52 year-old record of descending by parachute from 37 kilometres up in the stratosphere

He has recently completed the second of three planned jumps and is on target for the final record breaking attempt from 37 kilometres in about a month's time

During his recent jump he was in free fall for an estimated three minutes and 48 seconds before deploying his parachute

"It felt completely different at 90,000 feet - there is no control when you exit the capsule - there is no way to get stable"

Current record holder - 84-year-old Joe Kittinger - jumped from 31 kilometres back in 1960 for the US Air Force

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